David Chersonsky Talks About the Plight of the Homeless Amid Pandemic

Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of Americans may be experiencing homelessness right now. Indeed, estimates suggest that about 550,000 people are homeless at any given time in the United States, and throughout the year, more than 3 million people may end up on the streets. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness has become an especially pressing issue, and entrepreneur/social activist David Chersonsky notes that homeless people are very vulnerable.

“Food, water, and shelter are often referred to as the three necessities for life,” David Chersonsky points out. “Right off the bat, a homeless person lacks regular access to shelter. No shelter means no fridge, no tap, so that makes food and water harder to acquire too.”

Each year, roughly 13,000 homeless people, or about 2.5 percent of the total number of homeless people, die. This death rate is far higher than the average death rate for the American population. Indeed, while America’s average life expectancy approaches nearly 80 years, the average homeless person lives to only age 50. David Chersonsky says that life on the streets is hard on the body and the mind. “It’s no surprise that homeless people don’t live as long as the average American,” David Chersonsky says. 

“Exposure to the elements, lack of access to health care, and an unstable diet make life hard. Next, add in violence, drug abuse, and everything else. Homeless people face a lot of adversity.” David Chersonsky Outlines How COVID-19 Impacts Homeless People Keep in mind that the above statistics refer to the plight of the homeless in a typical year. Stats may not be available for a few years, but there’s a good chance that the COVID-19 pandemic will make life harder for many homeless people, and more will perish. Still, some homeless people may enjoy some extra benefits during the crisis.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is a sort of mixed bag for many homeless people,” David Chersonsky notes. “On one hand, some states extended generous benefits to people to help them get off the street. On the other hand, a lot of people didn’t get the help they needed.” In the United States, healthcare is an especially important issue for the homeless. “Many countries offer universal access to healthcare, which is vital for homeless people, especially amid a pandemic,” David Chersonsky says.

 “It’s not just about COVID-19 itself, if you suffer from underlying conditions, like diabetes, and you don’t have access to proper treatment, you’re likely at a greater risk of dying from COVID-19.” Outside of access to healthcare, David Chersonsky notes that drugs, alcohol, and other challenges homeless people often face can also increase risks. “Drug abuse and alcohol can weaken your immune system and make you more vulnerable to diseases. HIV is more common among homeless people and also makes COVID more dangerous,” David Chersonsky notes.

 “Poor hygiene may also help COVID-19 spread more quickly.” Thankfully, vaccines are rolling out, but David Chersonsky says that homeless people may struggle to access them. And for many people living on the streets, the vaccine may prove to be too little, and especially too late.Caroline Hunter Web Presence, LLC +17865519491 email us here